Engaging the text, Engaging the Writer

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Language Arts Students Dialogue with Wena Poon

Deeply moved by a story in the Sec 4 Language Arts text ‘CrossWorlds: Short Stories on Global Themes’, Chen Heng-Yi of S409, invited author Wena Poon, who wrote ‘Development’, to the school. Language Arts students gathered to meet Ms Poon and to pose questions that ranged from writer’s intent to character development and themes that paved the way to a rich and well-paced discussion, giving students the opportunity to take learning beyond the text and the classroom.




Wena Poon

409班的陈衡奕同学深受中四年级语言艺术文本“交错世界:全球主题短篇小说”中的故事所感动,她邀请了作家方慧娜(Wena Poon)来到南中的课题。语言艺术学生聚集在一起,与方女士会面并交流,讨论内容从作家的写作动机到人物性格的塑造,从如何丰富情节到主题的铺垫。交流会让学生有机会超越文本,超越课堂学习。